Friday, December 30, 2011

Spoiled yet again, for Christmas!

Christmas began in the Caldwell house the day before Christmas Eve, with baking and cooking. I made Cabral Green jell-o salad, Va's famous Fudge, my famous Chocolate Chip Cookies, Deviled Eggs, Lasagna and a Quiche! Yes all of that for two different family Christmases!!!! It was the perfect day for a nesting mother to be.

Christmas Eve started bright and early with Pa, Ma, Grandma and Grandpa Caldwell coming over for Quiche, scones, fruit salad and of course PRESENTS!!!! Logan was in heaven, ripping paper with Daddy just waiting to see what was inside. Yes he did get spoiled. His favorite gift out of everything is the art easel, believe it or not after the Art disaster, he has wanted to do nothing else but draw.

Christmas Eve we headed over to Pining, Auntie B's and Aj's for a Lasagna and Ravioli feast and maybe some special sweet treats. There was a Christmas light walk, fun and games with all of my cousins and we recieved our matching pajama's from Nana! Then it was off to bath and bed to get, what was suppose to be a good nights sleep, before Santa Claus came with all the presents.

Christmas Morning 2011!
(still can't put the race cars down that Uncle Joe got for me!)

Boo Boo and Nana spoiled me with clothes, two pairs of shoes, clothes, Hot Wheels 4 Wheeler, Clothes and of course my annual snow globe! I had LOTS of fun with AJ, of course! We loved seeing what we got for eachother and playing with what we got for eachother too!

Cabral Family Christmas 2011
(Amy 15, Logan 1, AJ 3, Jaron 8, Karly 11)
Train from Santa!

Christmas went on to continue back at our house, and yes there was more baking and cooking. I made Snickerdoodle Cookies, German Chocolate Cake, Puttanesca (an italian spaghetti), Brussel Sprouts and Mitchell's homemade Ceasar Salad, for Nonna, Papa Jac and Granny Rita. YES, more spoiling occured! Logan got his very first drill set, a couple of books and a Firehouse complete with 3 Fire Apparatus! He really enjoyed drawing with Papa Jac and Nonna on his Easel and becoming a present all wrapped up!

I am sure that next year will bring an entirely different type of spoiling all together, and I am sure that it may be difficult for Logan to understand the meaning of these are Hunter's toys and these are Logan's toys, but as the saying goes, Boys will be boys! Yes we have taken down all the Christmas decorations and the tree and put our house back in order. We are preparing to ring in 2012, not sure mama will make it to midnight, with cider and yummy food! Thank you to everyone for making this Christmas so special and memorable, we love you all!

Love, The Caldwell's

Friday, December 23, 2011

Visiting Santa!

Visiting Santa this year didn't exactly go how Mama wished. Logan was not happy to see the big guy, and that is putting it lightly. He had such a death grip on Daddy that as you can see from the picture, we couldn't even put him down. So Daddy and Logan got to tell Santa just what Logan wants for Christmas.........A Train.

This was the best picture out of about 5 that were taken. I tried bribing him with a cookie to be happy or I even walked away thinking that maybe if Mama wasn't there, he might muster up some courage. Maybe next year will be different. Hopefully, as we will have two to visit Santa then.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

22 Weeks!

Dear Hunter,
Wow! Are we really over half way there? Will we get to meet you that soon?

We are feeling you kicking and squirming all of the time now. Daddy has felt it too! It is the funniest thing but as soon as his hand hits my belly or grabs me for a hug you start to give us some action. So of course he pokes at you to see if you will poke back. You two already have a bond and you aren't even here yet. You LOVE French Toast, we have to have it once a week, and vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and bananas is still a favorite every night. Christmas is almost here just a few more days away, and there will be lots of good things coming your way. (as in good food!)

We have a visit with a new doctor today, can't wait to meet who will be helping us bring you into the world. Maybe we will even find out exactly what day. Logan loves to say hello to you, through my belly button though. I am not to keen of that, I don't like little fingers poking my belly button. Logan sure thinks it's funny! Your room is ready for you, I just have to get some laundry done and get you a mattress for your crib, Aj is going to let you borrow his crib mattress. Daddy has to build a shelf for all those knick knacks I know you will be getting. Ok well, stay nice a cozy in there! We love you so much!

Love, Mama

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ist Annual Cousin Cioppino

Saturday night was our 1st Annual Cousin Cioppino Feed, not all were in attendance however we still made the most of it! It was Cioppino for the adults and homemade pomodoro sauce for the kids. However, for some reason the kids didn't want to eat they really wanted to play. They all get along so well and play somewhat nicely with one another.

After dinner Uncle Mitchell decided he would get them all riled up and rowdy while Uncle Angelo just wanted them to sit quietly and watch a movie. It was a great night, talking about everyone's plans for Christmas and trying to arrange a time that we could all get together for Christmas, starting next year. The men were tired from a long week of work while us ladies just wanted to stay and visit and watch the kids play.  The night didn't last as long as the first cousin get together, but I am sure that January at the Franco's will bring on a different meaning to late night all together.
Until next time, Merry Christmas and Happy Family!!!

(P.S. Logan's cheeks are rosy from being wind chapped and a little from running around)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Art Time DISASTER!!!!

Logan loves to draw in the bathtub and on paper, so I thought that since we had gotten rain on Wednesday night and it was not a pretty day on Thursday that I would surprise him, for the first time, and set up his paints and paper for some finger painting. He came walking in the kitchen and was very interested in what I had set up so I showed him paint on my finger and on the paper and then.......
We put a little paint on his hand, hoping to make a handprint, however, if you can't tell from this face how disgusted he was by the fact that his "hand durty!" (his words, not mine, over and over)

I am sure that you can tell from this picture that he was not having IT! His hand was "durty" his foot was "durty" and he did not like the painting idea at ALL! I still saved the picture we made to remind him of this first time and what a DISASTER it turned out to be. I guess he isn't Vincent Van Gogh just yet! 
Mama will not be defeated in this, there will be much more painting lessons to come!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Time is here!!!!!

Finally after re-organizing our house, moving the office, getting Logan and all of his toys into a new room we finally had some free time, with Daddy home to go shopping for our Christmas tree. Logan was of course more interested in the camping trailer and wood chipper that was parked at the lot then the trees, but soon after learning he could walk all over and pick his very own tree out to go inside his house we managed to agree on one. (after finding a stick too!)

 (yes he is pointing this way and that way with his fingers, we asked, "which way should we go?")

He thinks he is something special, and so do we! What will Hunter be like next year? What will it be like to have two of them at the tree farm? Will they both look at the camera for that special Christmas picture?

Now the Caldwell Home is ready for Christmas, the decorations are all up, the stockings are hung, the presents are wrapped. Bring on the memories and fun!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Room.....(part one)

Logan gets a new room!!! That's right, no more baby window treatments, no more changing table and now he gets to enjoy seeing his toys from the bars of a new crib while he sleeps!

The other day Daddy was motivated to put together the crib, which will eventually turn into a bed, for Logan to sleep in, in his big boy room. He now has a place to call his own. Complete with full closet of clothes and toys scattered all over. Mama found a dresser that we will be going to look at this weekend, hopefully daddy loves it as much as mama does, then Logan's room will almost be complete. I was very nervous to be giving him not only a new room but a new crib, you all know how much he LOVES his crib. However, Logan surprised Mitchell and I, and once he saw the new crib he asked to be in it and didn't want to be taken out while we moved all the furniture around. That night, Tuesday (Dec. 5th) was his first night in his room and it didn't phase him at all. He LOVES his new room!

Mama just has to find the material to make him some curtains. Stay tuned for more pictures.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


We bundled up our little man and took him out on a walk to see Christmas Lights!! Daddy had just hung ours, pictures will come, so first stop our driveway.

Then we were off like a herd of turtles to see the neighborhood. Logan was in love everytime we saw a house with lights, however there weren't very many.

Hopefully we don't live in a Bah Hum Bug neighborhood. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hunter Joseph Caldwell

Dear Hunter,

We found out what you are yesterday, you have known for a couple of weeks but we were lucky enough to see all of your sweet parts yesterday. We are at just 19 weeks 3 days along. You are starting to really move around and the sweetest thing is you really start to move around when daddy puts his hand on my belly or is talking to you through my belly button. Daddy can't feel you, YET, but I sure can. We still crave bananas and chocolate, with vanilla ice cream of course, and boy you really getting excited after eating that. Water can finally quench my thirst these days, but nothing seems to suppress my appetite I can eat all day long. I wonder how big you will be? I wonder if you will be more wild than Logan or more mellow. Either way I can't wait to watch you two playing with each other. Stay cozy in there!
Here are some photos of you from yesterday, these are just a few of what we were given.
                                                                                                                   2 hand photos
                                                                                                                       2 feet photos

Hunter Joseph Caldwell
(due date April 22, 2012)